Technological innovation is central to our future economic prosperity and national security. Hind Arsenal seeks to provide examples of how government, businesses, and academia can work together more effectively to maintain Indian competitiveness today and lay the foundation for future advances. We operate at the intersection of technology, business, and national security. Our mission requires that we consistently define and lead collaboration in areas where the interests of Indian and international entrepreneurs, businesses, and Ministry of Defense overlap. 

Hind Arsenal exclusively representing several Defense O.E.M’s in Indo-Pacific region in MoD to participation of procurement programs, Up-gradation and overhaul programs. We successfully conducted business with MoD in terms of procurements and tendering.

Hind Arsenal offers end-to-end services in procurement programs, representation, distribution, deployments and introduce the O.E.M. in MoD, that helps O.E.M’s and MoD to doing business smoothly.

Hind Arsenal always open for new collaboration, associations, and Joint-Ventures with Defense O.E.M’s and Technology companies to expansion of their business. We are in middle of the negotiations with several Technology providers to come and invest in India to fulfill the requirements of Indian security forces. We are here to help them to overcome any obstacle.